
The 2nd International Conference on Metaverse and AI Companions in Education and Society (MetaACES 2024) focuses on the themes related to education and society. The main themes of MetaACES 2024 include but not limit to the followings (in alphabetical order):

Program Track1: AI and Artificial Learning Companions (ALCs) in Education

Artificial Companion in Education
Artificial Companion in Society
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Society
Automated Feedback for AI and ALCs in Education
Avatars or Player Characters for ALCs
Behaviour and/or Interaction Modeling, Detection and Visualization for AI and ALCs in Education
Big Data Analysis and Processing for AI and ALCs in Education
Chatbot in Education
Computational Models of Knowledge and Expertise
Computer-Supported Discussion Analysis and Assessment for AI and ALCs in Education
Educational Robots and Toys in Education
Emotion (Affective State) Modeling, Recognition and Detection
Emotive Agents in Education
Enhancing Grading, Scoring and Feedback for AI and ALCs in Education
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design for AI and ALCs in Education
Human-robot interaction (HRI) design for AI and ALCs in Education
Intelligent Agents in Education
Intelligent Tutors and Mentors in Education
Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE), and/or Sensors in Education
Learning Companion Robots (Robotic Learning Companions)
Learning Companions
Motivational and Affective Factors on Learning with AI and ALCs
Natural Language Processing supported AI and ALCs in Education
Personal Learning Environments (PLE) for AI and ALCs in Education
Sentiment Analysis for AI and ALCs in Education
Simulation and Training (Skill, Competence, Vocational Learning)
Social Network Analysis (SNA) for AI and ALCs in Education
Speech Recognition and Synthesis for AI and ALCs in Education
Stealth Assessment for AI and ALCs in Education
Unstructured and Semi-structured Data for Computers to Read and Learn
User Experience (UX) Evaluation for AI and ALCs in Education
Virtual Animal Learning Companions
Virtual Characters in Learning and Life
Virtual Companions in Learning and Life

Program Track 2: Metaverse in Education

Assessment in Games and Virtual Worlds for Education
Authentic Environments and Worlds for Education
Big Data Analysis and Processing for Education
Bridging Informal and Formal Learning Outcomes
Computational Models of Knowledge and Expertise for Education
Computer-Supported Discussion Analysis and Assessment for Education
Educational Applications of Metaverses
Enhancing Grading, Scoring and Feedback for Education
Game Analytics
Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE), and/or Sensors in Education
Languages, Thinking Skills, Meta-cognitive Skills, Cognitive Skills, and STE(A)M
Learning Analytics in Educational Games
Metaverse in Education
Metaverse in Society
Roles of Artificial Companions in Metaverse
Virtual and Augmented Learning Environments
VR, AR and Simulation Technology in Education
User Experience (UX) Evaluation for Metaverse in Education

Program Track 3: Social Issues

Security and Privacy Issues
Sentiment Analysis for AI and ALCs in Education
Ethical Considerations for AI and ALCs in Education
Impact of using AI and ALCs on student autonomy and agency
Using AI and ALCs in promoting diversity and inclusivity in Education
Understanding ethical intersections, trade-offs, and social cost-benefits in the deployment of AI and ALCs in Education

Submission Guidance

Please visit EasyChair:

To standardize the information, please input the author's information and submission details on EasyChair in ENGLISH. MetaACES 2024 uses a double-blind review. Please do NOT include author information in your submission file.

How to use EasyChair to submit an article

(1) Registration

Visit EasyChair ( to sign up for an account if you do not have one. Enter your First Name, Last Name and Your Email, EasyChair will send you a confirmation mail. (Please use the email that the PC chair use to contact with you, if you are a PC member) Receive the mail in your mailbox for a link to edit your account (username and password). Remember the user name and password you set, you will use the username / password to log in. Login EasyChair (

(2) Submit an article

Click [New Submission], choose the sub-conference/Track.
Enter the information of your article, click [Submit], EasyChair will send you a confirmation mail.

(3) Update the information of article

Click [My Submissions] -> Choose the article -> Click [Update information] to modify [Title], [Abstract], [Category] or [Keywords] -> Click [Change Information]

(4) My Submissions

Click [My Submissions], you can see all your articles.

Submission Format

Paper language: English or Chinese

Paper length (including references):

Full paper (6 pages, including the title, abstract (maximum 250 words), and keywords): for research that has evaluation with data collection, analysis, findings and discussion

Short papers (4 pages, 6 pages, including the title, abstract (maximum 250 words), and keywords): for research about systematic literature review, meta-analysis, design and implementation, application/tool/AR/VR/game, survey and its results, etc.

Extended Abstract (2 pages, including the title and keywords): for research in its early stage, talking about conceptual ideas, thoughts and concerns for discussions, challenges/difficulties, framework, concepts, plan, etc.

Important Notes:

• For Chinese papers, the title, abstract, and keywords should be provided in both Chinese and English versions on one page.

• All the papers should be submitted to EasyChair.

• All the submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Please do NOT include author information in the submission PDF file.

• Submissions must not be published previously. The review will focus on whether the work is original and is of good quality.

• Please submit your camera-ready abstract (English / 繁體中文 / 简体中文) and copyright agreement via EasyChair by 12 May 2024.

NOTE: MetaACES has No-Show Policy -- "MetaACES reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the event (e.g., removal from the final published and indexed proceedings) if the paper is not presented by an author during the event."